
Make a Sensitive Choice of products for your home!

About Sensitive Choice Programme in New Zealand and Australia (first published on Sensitive Choice website) Sensitive Choice is a community service program created by the National Asthma Council Australia for all of us who want to breathe purer, cleaner, fresher air...

Walking Our Way to a Healthy Workplace

Walking Our Way to a Healthy Workplace . Sickness, disease, and stress cause major problems in the workplace. According to the CDC, In 2015, 50% of adults aged 18 years or older did not meet recommendations for aerobic physical activity. In addition, 79% did not meet...

Environmental Protection Begins in the Kitchen

Environmental Protection Begins in the Kitchen. As an environment-conscious consumer, no matter how skilled and resourceful you become in your efforts to eliminate food waste at home or in the office, there will always be some unusable food bits that cannot be...

Professional carpet cleaning service – all Auckland

We deliver healthier, environmentally kinder workplaces and homes.   We have eliminated toxic cleaning chemicals and have the know how to improve air quality in homes. We’re the first and only cleaning company in New Zealand’s approved as a  Sensitive Choice...

Recycling: What If We Could Pave Roads With Recycled Plastic?

The sheer amount of plastic waste that we generate is a problem. It clogs our landfills, our waterways, and it floats in the ocean by the millions of tons. While we each try to do our part, there is so much plastic waste already out there that the task of cleaning it...

Environmental Protection: How Planting Trees Helps The Environment

How Planting Trees Helps The Environment? When we think about helping the environment, planting trees is typically an activity near the top of the list. While a lot of different plants have a positive environmental impact, planting a tree is typically seen as the...

Recycling cigarette butts

One of the problems facing recycling is that many things that get thrown away are made from more than one thing. Cigarette butts are case in point.  They are comprised of tobacco and plastic filters, both of which can be recycled separately. However, separating the...