Professional carpet cleaning service – all Auckland

We deliver healthier, environmentally kinder workplaces and homes.


We have eliminated toxic cleaning chemicals and have the know how to improve air quality in homes.

We’re the first and only cleaning company in New Zealand’s approved as a  Sensitive Choice partner.

Our own locally formulated and manufactured range of health focused, environmentally kinder products.


Carpet Cleaning

A dedicated team member specialises in carpet cleaning, strip and polish work for us.
Carpet cleaning service

Carpet cleaning service


Carpet cleaning service - Auckland homes

Carpet cleaning service – Auckland homes


Carpet cleaning service - Clean Planet

Carpet cleaning service – Clean Planet


Talk to our team about how you can create a healthier, happier asthma and allergy-friendly workplace and a better work environment for all.

Call us anytime, we’re available 24/7. If you email, we’ll usually get back to you within the same business day. Our client services team members are eager to answer all of your cleaning services questions.

Direct home cleaning booking:

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