World Allergy Week: Why Healthy Homes Are Important

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World Allergy Week: Why healthy homes are important  

Ahead of World Allergy Week kicking off on April 7, the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ places a timely reminder on the benefits of maintaining a healthy home for those who live with asthma and allergies.

In New Zealand, approximately 70 to 80 percent of asthma is associated with allergies, with mould being one of the leading triggers.

Epidemiological studies also suggest that ongoing exposure to damp, mouldy buildings can worsen asthma symptoms in adults and children, increasing the risk of an asthma flare-up.

Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ, Head of Education and Research, Teresa Demetriou comments, “Many homes in New Zealand are cold and damp, which creates the perfect environment for asthma and allergy triggers such as mould. To help reduce this impact during the colder winter months, it is essential to create a warm, dry and pollution free environment.”

The World Health Organisation also recommends that room temperatures be a minimum of 18 degrees, to aid in reducing these allergy triggers.

Teresa continues, “The Foundation provides the Sensitive Choice® programme that assists people with asthma and allergies find out more information on reducing exposure to allergens within the home. The programme features hundreds of products that demonstrate a potential benefit and most importantly aren’t harmful.”

Sensitive Choice® is a well-established programme that has been running in New Zealand for over 10 years by Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ. All approved products have gone through an incredibly extensive approval process by a group of experts in their field.


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“People can easily identify that a product is asthma and allergy friendly by looking out for the Sensitive Choice butterfly on product packaging in stores.”

For further advice on minimising exposure to triggers in your home visit


The article was published on the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ

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